
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Holiday Headache!!!

So sorry I woke up this morning with a headache that wouldn't go away-it didn't stop me from creating today or doing a little shopping. But while I was out picking up trims and gifts, my headache got much worse. By the time I picked up my girls from school=my simple pain in the neck headache (there is to much to do for a headache this time of the year) turned into a major migraine (the bad kind sick to my tummy-lights a killing one) so off to bed I went.
So please come back in the morning and I will have a post of  Day 7 and Day 8 of Homespun Holiday-25 days til Christmas.

I am going to try to do a little creating tonight.

Peggy Lee (we still have snow a fallen)....


  1. sorry to hear sweets.....hope this passes soon!!

  2. I love your courage, girlfriend. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way!! Hugs...
